
Just the Girls. {Idaho Photographer}

Did you know that Barbie turns 50 this year? 50 years of looking fab, stylin', and in the hands of every little girl. Did you know there's a little museum displaying all of Barbie and her life of clothes, cars, and estate all the way back to the 1960's this month? How fabulous.

So maybe, if you live in a house full of little girls, this would be a great place to allow them to get all their little shrills of excitement out.

Oh, and if you are an owner of a $3.00, early years Barbie, I'll take it off your hands 'cuz she's probably worth around $4,000 today.

This is my sister-in-law and her fab barbie girls. Between the two of them, I'm sure you could fill a whole bathtub with all the barbie's, clothes, and accessories they own.

I got a flickr comment on this one saying, "dangerosu!too much light no-?" Yes. Technically speaking, there's too much light. The sun was high and bright, and Little miss M is squinting...but she was squinting in the full shade. We were limited to a certain hour for shooting, and the railroad tracks were a request from the girls. BUT-I think it turned out quite nice. There's not too much blowout of their body, just a bit off the tops of their heads, and I love the candid capture of them looking in different directions.

What do you think?


Bree said...

oh poo on the commentor. I love the last picture! LOVE it. It is such a sweet candid moment. Great job... as always.

Boybarian Dad said...

The fun of photography is that it's subjective. Nobody really knows the look the photographer is going for. For certain looks it might have too much light for the look you are going for on this shot, it works great.

I think the commentator should let me critique their work, how bout that.

B Dad