
The Title of Liberty {Idaho Photographer}

The American flag is the great symbol of freedom. The Title of Liberty® flag promotes the values and principles for which we believe the American flag stands. By displaying The Title of Liberty flag along side or below the American flag in our yard or office, others who share our values will know they are not alone. Our action will unite those around us and inspire others to raise their standard with ours. This seemingly small act of displaying our standards will unite and strengthen liberty all over the world. It will promote patriotism and motivate families to learn more about liberty.

The Title of Liberty works in the community each year to bring people together to celebrate and to learn principles of liberty, awaken our sense of patriotism, remember our past, and voice our concerns for liberty. The voice of The Title of Liberty is unobtrusive, gentle, yet bold. It is a quiet statement, but irresistibly powerful as our voices unite together! -thetitleofliberty.org

This amazing display of flags was one of the best things I saw on our venture out on the 4th. It's amazing the feeling of pride you get from being completely surrounded by the Flags...Pride for your country and complete thankfulness you feel for being able to live in this great country of America. Absolutely beautiful.


te` marie said...

love the bottom pic. sooo cute.

Boybarian Dad said...

The second and the last one are my favs. Very sweet.

B Dad